"The Golden Age of the Russian Avant-Garde" at Moscow Manezh by Saskia Boddeke and Peter Greenaway. With artists: Bryn Oh, ElifAyiter AlphaAuer, Nessuno Myoo, Jo Ellsmere , Caer Balogh, Soror Nishi, Eupalinos Ugajin
"The Golden Age of the Russian Avant-Garde" was a large-scale exhibition project, created especially for the main exhibition hall of Moscow’s Manege Museum by Peter Greenaway (UK) and Saskia Boddeke (Holland) supported by the British Council. The world premiere took place in Moscow in April 2014 and was one of the main projects of the UK-Russia Year of Culture 2014. The project allowed the wider public to acquaint itself with the most important works of the Russian avant-garde of the 20th century in the context of new media.
The multimedia installation, created by Peter Greenaway and Saskia Boddeke, animated more than 400 masterpieces of the Russian avant-garde. With the help of multimedia techniques, rare pieces of Russian avant-garde from the collections of the Russian Museum, the Tretyakov Gallery, the Schusev Architectural Museum, the Bakhrushin Theatre Museum and private collections were shown. “Black Square” by Kazimir Malevich – perhaps the most famous Russian avant-garde work – was used as the basis and the central metaphor of the exhibition.
The exhibition spread across 5000 square metres, including polyscreen installations made with the help of the most up-to-date projection, light and sound equipment. It represented a new approach to the history of art, creating new visuals and new possibilities for learning about the world around us through images. Using polyscreens as an artistic method not only allowed for the exploration of new aspects in paintings or sculpture: synchronised images, bound together by a single idea, created new architectonics, bringing another dimension to the exhibition. Combining film and painting, animation and 3D technology helped create a unified atmospheric work, drawing the viewer into the space of Russian avant-garde.
Innovative multimedia technologies used in the project not only helped to demonstrate digital reproductions of the most brilliant works of the Russian avant-garde, but also immersed the viewer into the context of the epoch, creating the effect of amended reality and revealing new meanings.
15 April 2014 -- 26 May 2014
Opening, Press-conference: 14 April
Venue: Central Exhibition Hall "Manege"
Adress: Manezhnaya square, 1, Moscow
Full credit list and information available on:
Links that discuss/show the Second Life installation as a whole, or parts of it:
Quan Lavender Lindenarts Bryn Oh Ziki Questi Honour McMillan